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Pokemon 2017 Solgaleo Lunala GX 60 Card Starter Set

Pokemon 2017 Solgaleo & Lunala GX 60 Card Starter Set. It was only sold in Japan, in November, 2017. It contains a total of 60 cards including 2 GX holofoil cards.
The set contains:
60 Cards (Including 1x Solgaleo GX & 1x Lunala GX Holofoil Cards)
1 Sheet 42 Damage Counters + 2 Markers (Cardboard)
1 GX marker
1 Pokemon Coin (Cosmog)
1 Playmat (Paper)
1 Instruction Booklet (In Japanese)
1 Players Guide (In Japanese)
Card list:
1x Mewtwo #001/021
1x Latios #002/021
4x Cosmog #003/021
3x Cosmoem #004/021
1x Lunala GX #005/021 (Holofoil)
1x Mawile #006/021
1x Solgaleo GX #007/021 (Holofoil)
1x Spinda #008/021
3x Type: Null #009/021
2x Silvally #010/021
2x Nest Ball #011/021
4x Ultra Ball #012/021
2x Rare Candy #013/021
2x Switch #014/021
2x Pokemon Catcher #015/021
1x Rescue Stretcher #016/021
1x Cynthia #017/021
4x Hau #018/021
2x Sophacles #019/021
4x Lillie #020/021
2x Double Colorless Energy #021/021
16x Psychic Energy
Language: Japanese
Edition: NA
Condition: Brand New. Factory Sealed.
*** The condition is described to the best of our ability, but we are not professional graders and opinions differ. Please understand this before purchasing. ***