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Pokemon Center 2010 Keshipoke Series #9 Lugia Metallic Secret Rare Pokeball Figure

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  • Product Code: #FG0216
  • Availability: 4
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Pokemon Center 2010 Keshipoke Series #9 Lugia (Metallic paint) secret rare Pokeball figure. It was sold at the Pokemon Centers in Japan in very limited quantity for a very short time in April, 2010. This figure was one of the super secret rare figures. Very very difficult to get. The paint is different than the normal Lugia figures. It is a metallic type paint. I got an average of 1 Lugia in every 35-40 tries. This figure was from series #9 which included Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Scizor, Houndoom, Umbreon, Espeon, and there was 2 secret rare firgures this time which were Lugia (metallic paint) and Ho-oh (Metallic paint). NOTE: You will recieve only the Lugia figure. The name "Keshipoke" means "Eraser Pokemon" in Japanese. The rubber Pokeball is a hard eraser (although it doesnt work very well as an eraser). When you open up the Pokeball,  there is a mini figure sealed inside a clear plastic bag inside. Very limited edition. Made of plastic.

Manufacturer: Ensky

Height:  Figure 0.75" (2cm)
               Pokeball 1.75" (4cm)

Length:  Figure 0.75" (2cm)
                Pokeball 1.75" (4cm)

Width: Figure 1.25" (3.5cm)
             Pokeball 1.75" (4cm)

Condition: Brand New. Sealed in plastic bag and comes inside rubber Pokeball. Box not included (had to open the box to see which random figure was inside).