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Pokemon 1999 Gym Leaders #2 Challenge From The Darkness Complete 98 Card Set

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  • Product Code: #CS0015
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Pokemon 1999 Gym Leaders #2 Challenge From The Darkness complete set of 98 cards. This set was not sold as a set. I have put together the complete 98 card set. These cards were only available in random booster packs of the Gym Leaders #2 Challenge From The Darkness that was released in June, 1999. Only sold in Japan. 

The set includes:

#013Koga's Weedle (common)
#023Koga's Ekans (common)
029 Giovanni's Nidoran Female (common)
#032Giovanni's Nidoran Female (common)
#041 Koga's Zubat (common)
#048 Sabrina's Venonat
#088 Koga's Grimer (common)
#109 Koga's Koffing (common)
#114 Koga's Tangela (common)
#002 Erika'S Ivysaur (uncommon)
#014 Koga's Kakuna (uncommon)
#030 Giovanni's Nidorina (uncommon)
#033 Giovanni's Nidorino (uncommon)
#042 Koga's Golbat (uncommon)
#109 Koga's Koffing (uncommon)
#110 Koga's Weezing (uncommon)
#003 Erika's Venusaur (rare holofoil)
#015 Koga's Beedrill (rare holofoil)
#024 Koga's Arbok (rare)
#031 Giovanni's Nidoqueen (rare)
#034 Giovanni's Nidoking (rare holofoil)
#049 Sabrina's Venomoth (rare)
#089 Koga's Muk (rare)
#127 Giovanni's Pinsir (rare)
#004 Blaine's Charmander (common)
#037 Blaine's Vulpix (common)
#058 Blaine's Growlithe (common)
#077 Blaine's Ponyta (common)
#005 Blaine's Charmeleon (common)
#078 Blaine's Rapidash (uncommon)
#126 Blaine's Magmar (uncommon)
#006 Blaine's Charizard (rare holofoil)
#038 Blaine's Ninetales (rare)
#059 Blaine's Arcanine (rare holofoil)
#146 Blaine's Moltres (rare holofoil)
#054 Sabrina's Psyduck (common)
#129 Giovanni's Magikarp (common)
#055 Sabrina's Golduck (rare)

#062 Misty's Poliwrath (rare)
#130 Giovanni's Gyarados
 (rare holofoil)
#026 Lt. Surge's Raichu (rare holofoil)
#145 Rocket's Zapdos (rare holofoil)
#063 Sabrina's Abra (common)
#079 Sabrina's Slowpoke (common)
#096 Sabrina's Drowzee (common)
#122 Sabrina's Mr. Mime (common)
#064 Sabrina's Kadabra (uncommon)
#080 Sabrina's Slowbro (uncommon)
#092 Sabrina's Gastly (uncommon)
#093 Sabrina's Haunter (uncommon)
#097 Sabrina's Hypno (uncommon)
#124 Sabrina's Jynx (uncommon)
#065 Sabrina's Alakazam 
(rare holofoil)
#094 Sabrina's Gengar (rare holofoil)
#150 Rocket's Mewtwo (rare holofoil)
#056 Blaine's Mankey (common)
#066 Giovanni's Machop (common)
#111 Blaine's Rhyhorn (common)
#067 Giovanni's Machoke (uncommon)
#051 Brock's Dugtrio (rare)
#068 Giovanni's Machamp
 (rare holofoil)
#016 Koga's Pidgey (common)
#052 Giovanni's Meowth (common)
#084 Blaine's Doduo (common)
#128 Blaine's Tauros (common)
#137 Sabrina's Porygon (common)
#016 Koga's Pidgey (uncommon)
#052 Giovanni's Meowth (uncommon)
#115 Blaine's Kangaskhan (uncommon)
#017 Koga's Pidgeotto (rare)
#053 Giovanni's Persian 
(rare holofoil)
#132 Koga's Ditto (rare holofoil)
#143 Rocket's Snorlax (rare)
#084 Imakuni?'s Doduo 
(super rare)
#113 ______'s Chansey (ultra rare uncommon)
Trainer: Blaine's Gamble (common)
Trainer: Trash Exchange (common)
Trainer: Sabrina's Gaze (common)
Trainer: Transparent Walls (common)
Trainer: Warp Point (common)
Trainer: Blaine's Last Resort (uncommon)
Trainer: Blaine's Quiz #3 (uncommon)
Trainer: Koga's Ninja Trick (uncommon)
Trainer: Tickling Machine (uncommon)
Trainer: Cinnabar City Gym (uncommon)
Trainer: Fuchsia City Gym (uncommon)
Trainer: Sabrina's ESP (uncommon)
Trainer: Sabrina's Psychic Control (uncommon)
Trainer: Minion of Team Rocket (uncommon)
Trainer: Saffron City Gym (uncommon)
Trainer: Rocket's Secret Experiment (uncommon)
Trainer: Rocket's Minefield Gym (uncommon)
Trainer: Blaine (rare)
Trainer: Koga (rare)
Trainer: Giovanni 
(rare holofoil)
Trainer: Giovanni's Last Resort (rare)
Trainer: Viridian City Gym (rare)
Trainer: Sabrina (rare)

TOTAL 98 Cards (Full Complete Set)

Language: Japanese

Type: Complete Set

Edition: NA

Condition: Mint condition. Never been played with. No noticeable creases, dents, scratches or whitening on edges of cards.

*** The condition is described to the best of our ability, but we are not professional graders and opinions differ. Please understand this before purchasing. ***