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Pokemon 2021 Lapras Plusle Miyagi Manhole Series Sticker #7

  • Brand: Village Vanguard
  • Product Code: #ST1820
  • Availability: 0
1 Product(s) Sold

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Pokemon 2021 Miyagi Manhole Series Lapras & Plusle sticker (Version #7). It was only sold at Village Vanguard stores in Japan, in February, 2021, for a very limited time and in very limited quantity. IT SOLD OUT IMMEDIATELY!!! This series features mini replicas of actual manhole covers from different areas of Japan. There is a total of 15 different stickers in the series. This sticker is a replica of an actual manhole cover in Shiogama, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan. The back peels off and you can stick it on any surface.

Length: 2.25" (5.5cm)

2.25" (5.5cm)

Brand new. Sealed in package.

Material: PET